Ping Pong, Hayat, & the art of the staying alive: talking to Yeşim Duman
October 27, 2024 Recently I had the chance to sit down with COVEN friend Yeşim Duman to have a coffee in the sunlight to talk about the current iteration of…
Read MoreOctober 27, 2024 Recently I had the chance to sit down with COVEN friend Yeşim Duman to have a coffee in the sunlight to talk about the current iteration of…
Read MoreKi Niehaus of COVEN Berlin interviews historian Charlie Jeffries about her 2022 book “Teenage Dreams: Girlhood Sexualities in the U.S. Culture Wars”.
Read MoreWe kiss and slowly undress, as we impatiently caress and taste each other’s bodies like two starved pilgrims at the end of their long walking day. We are both sweating a lot. Our bodies are hot with desire. I feel like a scallop floating in the ocean, soaked in the holy water of desire and touch.
Read MoreIt was in 2020 when D’orjay, debuting Shit My Shaman Says: Volume I, a work Axe Pulse agnate in its anti-linear subversiveness, first came upon my newsfeed.
Read MoreCOVEN hosted this beautiful reading in the summer of 2022 on the beach with authors Zinzi Buchanan, Inky Lee, Daniela Medina Poch, and Meghna Singh. We selected their articles as…
Read MoreEmotional as in congratulations, mental illness runs in the family. Also, coronary heart disease.
Read MoreWhen considering having a threesome, there are five very important questions you should ask yourself to have the hottest and most fun experience possible for all parties involved.
Read MoreIn the first episode of The Lonely Island (2001), Ardy, played by twenty-three year old Andy Samberg, all lips and shaggy curls, stars in a goofy early-90’s-hip-hop-MTV-style interlude. From the twin-sized bottom bunk on my ten-centimeter iPod screen, I studied this scene with adolescent gravitas.
Read Morei see trees falling as they cannot ground/roots can’t hold onto anything /that would give them stability
Read MoreAs part of the large group exhibition titled How (Not) to Fit In – Metaphern der Adoleszenz at Villa Merkel, Galerie der Stadt Esslingen, in Esslingen, Germany, which ran from May 8 – July 17, 2022, COVEN BERLIN created the installation and environment we called AXE PULSE, eponymously named after our current magazine and curatorial theme (which can be read here).
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