From Lehrte to Berlin: The Need for a Poetics of Puberty
The feeling that stayed with me after finishing Kleinstadtnovelle was not that puberty itself is the problem, but the hostile conditions in which it is supposed to happen.
Read MoreThe feeling that stayed with me after finishing Kleinstadtnovelle was not that puberty itself is the problem, but the hostile conditions in which it is supposed to happen.
Read MoreIt was in 2020 when D’orjay, debuting Shit My Shaman Says: Volume I, a work Axe Pulse agnate in its anti-linear subversiveness, first came upon my newsfeed.
Read MoreCOVEN hosted this beautiful reading in the summer of 2022 on the beach with authors Zinzi Buchanan, Inky Lee, Daniela Medina Poch, and Meghna Singh. We selected their articles as…
Read MoreGabriela Gordillo is an artist, born in Mexico City and living and working since 2015 in Linz, Austria. In this piece, she reflects on the work that her father has undertaken for many years, since her adolescence — taking photographs of the moon — and juxtaposes it with her thoughts about Minute/Year, a durational sound-based installation artwork by Kata Kovács and Tom O’Doherty.
Read MoreThe first time I stepped into marsh water was when I was about 7. One of the first sunny days in early May. My friend’s family took me along with them to the reservoir. We were all neighbors living in the same street on the outskirts, and in the summer all the kids were biking there quite often. But at that time we probably were yet too young to go there by ourselves.
Read MoreI’ve spent a lot of the last years in bogland – literal and metaphysical. For six years I obsessively returned to a river in Lancashire, (U.K.). I spent most of my time on top of the peat fells (big swathes of high altitude, boggy moorland with flat tops), looking for the source of small rivers that swell out of the wetland and spill down the cracks they make in the hillsides.
Read More05.03.22 at feldfünf with Mary Maggic and Johanna Hedva //06.03.22 online with Alice Sparklykat and Mai Ishikawa Sutton // We’re witnessing a revival in occultism and esoteric practices, at least…
Read MoreDOOM leaves space for not just the work, but also specifically the footwork of mourning to pop up, which at times might look like a teetering dance and heavy breath from under a lace mask.
Read MoreAs part of Writing Letters to Extraterrestrials Organized by Alison Sperling 22.-24.09.2021 COVEN BERLIN will also give a talk on 24.09.21 at ICI Berlin
22. September, 17h-18:30 Starting Location: Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 10969 Berlin
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