• A collage of barrier methods for sex (gloves, a condom, a dental dam, with 90s US headlines over top, which urge teenagers not to have sex or lament the teen birth rate. The artist's teen doodles are visible in the background.

    Teenage Dreams and Political Nightmares: An Interview with Charlie Jeffries

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  • Ecology of Care: COVEN BERLIN and DoLess collective explore collective art practice

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  • Multiple posters for concerts and events are wheat pasted to a wall. A poster for On Rape is visible in the middle, with the black text superimposed over a white wedding dress.

    On Rape, Gender and Complexity at C/O Berlin

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  • Watercolor of two trans bodies floating together in water. One pink being with long hair floating butt to the sun over a purple sting ray. One being light lemon green lavender and pink with furry legs on their back with seaweed floating between their crotch and being touched on their stomach by a tentacle. The water is dark blue and grey and filled with seaweed.

    Holy Rebirth of a Youthful Pilgrim

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  • A multilayered collage that appears like a school book where somebody stuck a finger through its pages and left a deep hole. Contains an image of Kirsten Dunst in the movie The Virgin Suicides

    From Lehrte to Berlin: The Need for a Poetics of Puberty

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  • This image features D'orjay as a baby. They wear a cowboy hats and dungarees.

    In Spirit of The Adolescent: D’orjay The Singing Shaman On Spiritual Reintegration & Aid.

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  • Daniela can be seen holding a microphone and paper. She is knee deep in water, reading. Her outfit is dark blue, light blue, and brown gauzy material floating on the water.

    COVEN BERLIN reads the YEAR OF THE BOG on the Beach – THE PHOTOS

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  • This looks like a photo that’s been edited to appear almost drawn. Featured is a group of people waiting at some kind of bus stop-shelter. The photo is shot from above, like from a drone or the window of an apartment overlooking the stop. Of the people there, you can clearly make out a man talking to two women.

    Site of Desire

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  • An image of two outlines of faces above a torso. There are arrows indicating movement and their mouths are open.

    The 5 Ws of Having a Threesome

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  • Digital collage created with a still of Andy Samberg looking like a hunk from the 2007 movie Hot Rod. Image by Flip Zang.

    Commit to the Bit!

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  • A landscape photo of the whole room where our installation is. The view here is from someone at the end of the room, opposite from the entrance. Here we see a lilac-colored room with like-colored fur trim on the walls. In the room is a large changing room bench that is painted green and covered with like-colored fur. We see an old 90s era thick television, scattered papers and clothing on and around the bench.


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  • Tumblr user with false horns and a text collage displaying the words "part boy part god" over the demigender flag

    QTGRL.Me Girlonline At The End of An Era

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  • This is a still from the film 'The Creep' by the artist Melanie Jame Wolf, featuring her body riding a gymnastics vault as though it were a horse. Here we only see her middle as she holds the reins on this vault.

    Creeping with Melanie Jame Wolf

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  • Two memes featuring an animated person with short dark hair gesturing at a yellow butterfly. On the left, the meme labels the person "trans bbs" and the butterfly "bog trees", with the bottom caption reading "U my gender?" On the right, the same image labels the person "artists" and the butterfly "bogs" with the caption reading "U have body?"

    Bog conjunct neptune – dreams and jeopardy

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  • A collage of two photos of the moon against a blue background.

    Looking at the moon, twice

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  • Text Reads Lesen am See

    Lesen am See #2: COVEN BERLIN reads the YEAR OF THE BOG

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  • A closeup of a massive circle of black ink, cratered and three-dimensional, with metallic silver highlights and dust on thick grained white paper. Written in pencil above it is: The clock is always wrong.

    Wart Paintings

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  • Google Street View, Image collage, Sonnenallee, Berlin. Excerpts from: Artist unknown, Freya and her Cat Chariot, 1886; Fresco of Edigna in the Linden, c. 1800, St. Sebastian in Puch Kirche.

    Unter den Linden

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  • pink text reads "axe pulse" on a green, furry background.


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  • It is a small swamp in Grunewald on a sunny day. The picture was taken from slightly above. There is an area covered with the thick high grass in the middle of the image. One can distinguish separate plants on the first plan. Behind this area, more to the upper right and left corners of the image are green deciduous trees.

    Unmeasurable Falling

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  • This is a photo that is out of focus. It captures a small section of a wall where there are what appears to be family photos hanging.

    The Art of (Not) Forgetting – photographing memories as a way to resist censorship

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  • An image of birch trees in a forest. On the closest tree, a squarish red area is visible. In the middle of the area is a small oval black and white portrait.

    Forest that Cares – on Belarus, Partisans, and Thicket We Can Learn A Lot From

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  • The End is Not an Option: Carrier Bags and the Rhythm of the Bog

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  • This collage shows the neck and head of a human, represented as a man. His face is not visible, it is covered by a section of the universe, a black hole. Around him you can see a collection of eyes covered with semi-transparent anuses.

    High Priests of Mass Data, or Surveillance is Just Astrology for White Men

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  • A glitchy image, with black ,peach, grey, red, and blue shattered pixels, which seems to have originally been a selfie-style photo of someone's lower body and feet in the bathtub

    It Glitches at the Sight of Our Nipples

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  • Illustration of text reading bogside down part ii , March 5th and 6th 2022, in person at feldfünf project space and online, with Mai Ishikawa Sutton, Alice Sparklykat, Mary Maggic, and Johanna Hedva. Text has webs of red and blue lines pointing between it and to obscure symbols, like a mind map.

    bogside down part ii

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  • A four color image on a white background. In the center, three women wearing grecian dresses raise an offering toward the sky. They are outlined in blue with a light blue over color, and some yellow over wash on the bottom. On the edges, two piles of spirals sit under two black line illustrations of Lofi girl, a girl with bangs wearing headphones and a sweater and sitting with her head on one hand, looking pensive. A yellow circle is behind each illustration. The lofi girls face each other.

    An ode to the cybernetic patron saint of work and procrastination, Lofi girl.

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  • Collage of various chumbox advertisement thumbnails: images of people, skin, and runny eggs.

    Feelings at the Edge: A Chumbox Tour

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  • Two people sit at a desk outdoors in front of a gallery, in warm evening summer light. On the left is Anisha, a brownskinned person with long dark hair wearing a pink shirt and skirt and smiling. The other person is Schwarzrund, a Black person with curly black hair, wearing a long black floral dress and talking into a microphone.

    A Conversation on Care

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  • A colorful illustration of a bug-like troll figure, with cars and bugs and a cityscape in the background. The city is black, and the sky is turquoise, with a large green vine and pastel-colored bugs.

    The Troll: Between the Mythological and the Digital

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  • A person in silhouette, bathed in orange light. The image is quite dark, and the person is holding a guitar and gold bead shoulder pads catch the light as they turn toward the camera.

    Suddenly You’re Pointing Everywhere and Everywhere Points Right Back

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  • An image that shows muddy colors like brown green and blue flowing into each other. It almost looks like a blurred section of a map.

    We started calling ourselves mycelium

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  • A surreal watercolour painting of a black sky, red sea, and green creatures. Many planets seem to rise in the sky, and there appear to be gohsts and amoebas coming out of the sea.

    Poem 1, 2, 3

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  • An image of a water bottle with a pink label and cap, resting on medium sized river rocks. The label text has been swirled in an obviously edited fashion.

    Aqualiteracies: Understanding (and Sensing) Water as a Hybrid Data Carrier

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  • shiny 3D letters fall through space, reading "bogside down part 1" 19-21 November, covenberlin.com/bogside-down-part-1/ , Jennifer Mehigan, CHASCHA collectiv, Feminist Healthcare Research Group.

    bogside down part 1

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  • A drawing of six outlines sitting around a table in a dark room with a low ceiling. Light comes in from a window at the end of the table, across from the viewer. All figures are in profile, and an arm chair and food are visible.

    Turf House Erotica: Soft Darkness and Radiating Body Heat (Honoring Our Icelandic Ancestors)

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  • A drawing of a boot, a series of mechanical objects, and scratchy lines. The edges of the paper are visible.

    The future toddlers of my friends clamber over me and affectionately sprinkle grass onto my shoulders

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  • A soft, blurry, circular, geometric pattern of blue and white


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  • A black and white ink drawing of barren plants surrounded by a thin, wiggly border

    soul death in a digital dating app

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  • An image of three illustrated white bunnies with flowers behind them. They are on a pink background and there is a slight pink overlay as well.

    Gothy (un)pregnancies

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  • A person dressed in black stands in front of a mysterious silver dome. A comment reads "Alien visitation - 11.11.2011.

    THE OWL HOUSE WATCHES: A Hauntological Walking Tour

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  • A bird's eye view of where the river Tietê, São Paulo used to be, and is now is dried and filled with cars, appearing to have been abandoned in the middle of a traffic jam. Green trees and bushes grow above many car tops, between concrete walls.

    I try to remember and all I can taste is earth.

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  • An image of six different amoebas, in pink, green, green-yellow, brown, red, and purple. They are arranged on a solid middle blue background.

    Things Change When They Are Wet

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  • The words Dank Memes for Dank Times are sculpted as 3 dimensional letters on a green, blue and purple pond and moss. Event info is handwritten on top.


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  • Text reads BOG Open call, submit your memes, dank memes for dank times, on a green background with swampy water


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  • A collage depicting a body tainted in violet color, with two legs, one arm, blond curls and a trunk that morphs into small planets, floating on the background of a piece of wood in a bright starlit sky.


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  • Tie-dyed underwear covered in yellow slime in a glass display case

    The Owl House Watches: A Hauntological Walking Tour – The Photos

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  • An image of a social distancing messaging sticker in the Berlin subway. The decal features 3 corgis in outline, indicating the appropriate distance.

    Touch As In

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  • An image of a handmade rug depicting a NYPD cop car on fire with red and yellow flames. The rug is depicted on a graffitied stone wall.

    Commodifying Oppression: The Co-option of Resistance Aesthetic

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  • An illustrated image of shooting stars, with a band of lighter color around the edge. The image is in blues and purples.


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  • An image of 5 stylized flames on a red glitter background. The flames are next to one another in the middle of the frame, and are in a left to right gradient from black to light blue.

    Five Stages of Heat

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  • A picture of Clay AD's book, Metabolize if Able, on a background of blue-lit white pills. The book cover is light blue with dark blue outlines of two faces looking at one another.

    Sickos Against Iatro-Capitalism

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  • This is a detail shot photo of someone’s wrist, their skin a color like milky coffee, and just barely visible on their inner wrist is a faded stamp, like the kind one may get as they enter a party or club they’ve paid entrance for.

    reassembling histories by putting them into bodies that dance (rework) *

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  • Image from a Cassils of a person on fire againsta a black background, presumably wearing a flame proof suit, arms outstretched.

    I am the pre-burned, the burned, the burn, the cool

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  • This is a photo of Hester the dog. She is lying on a grassy bank nearby a river or a lake. Her shadow is cast over the grass and she’s looking at the water intently.

    Diaries of a Bitch in Heat

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  • Photo collage by Bard. It consists of three images, each with a bright blue frame. Two of them are selfies, one of his body in shorts and t-shirt lying on a bed, and one of his face also lying on a bed. The third image is a comic of a bear and a man kissing.

    Hot or Not? 2

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  • Screenshot of babygrow/onesie designs.

    How to Boil an Egg

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  • A fisheye, solarized appearance image of a person with a bob haircut and a staff blocking a black shape. The image is blue, pink, red, black, and white.

    gestating vampires: four poems

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  • A three panel image of a window. The left and right panels feature a white edge of a window with a black outside with eyes looking back at the viewer, while the middle panel has a yellow sun cut off at the middle. This image is a crop of the larger image by Candice Purwin, below.

    French Cinema and Me: A Tale of Two Summers

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  • The image shows an open book with some words underlined in red. On the left side of the book are 3 drop-shaped crystals.

    Warming Up for the Unknown

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  • An image of four panels from a scene in the film Notting Hill, with Julia Roberts saying, I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. The panels are desaturated, and a repeated motif of an outline of a red eye and iris, with a flame-shaped pupil in red.

    Implies, Presupposes, Begets

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  • An image of Yoongi and Jimin from BTS, with a moon and flecks of light taken from the Ryder Waite tarot deck in yellow superimposed over the top of the image.

    a/b/o verse—cancer

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  • A black and white image of two people pressing their feet together with their lower legs bent to the right and left sides of the frame. They are on a hardwood floor.

    Sacha Vega – A Visual Interview

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  • Daddypuss Rex, author of the essay, poses for the camera with naked upper body and arms crossed behind the head.

    Hot Or Not?

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  • An image of Megan Fox from Jennifer's Body projected on a white curtain, with flames across the bottom of the screen and "come home, steamy love" in yellow text across the bottom.

    Fiery Swallowed Rage

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  • A diptych of two images of plants coming through concrete. On the left side, a purple pansy comes up through a crack in a cement sidewalk, pictured from the side, with the sidewalk edge at a diagonal across the screen with street asphalt visible in front. On the right, A small treelike plant comes up through a hole in a concrete sidewalk, next to a metal grille gate surrounding an enclosed area and some garbage cans. The edge of the sidewalk and the edge of the gate from the first and second images meet at a point in the middle of the composition.


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  • Sharing and Saving in Times of Crisis

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Latest Posts

Watercolor of two trans bodies floating together in water. One pink being with long hair floating butt to the sun over a purple sting ray. One being light lemon green lavender and pink with furry legs on their back with seaweed floating between their crotch and being touched on their stomach by a tentacle. The water is dark blue and grey and filled with seaweed.

Holy Rebirth of a Youthful Pilgrim

We kiss and slowly undress, as we impatiently caress and taste each other’s bodies like two starved pilgrims at the end of their long walking day. We are both sweating a lot. Our bodies are hot with desire. I feel like a scallop floating in the ocean, soaked in the holy water of desire and touch.

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This is a still from the film 'The Creep' by the artist Melanie Jame Wolf, featuring her body riding a gymnastics vault as though it were a horse. Here we only see her middle as she holds the reins on this vault.

Creeping with Melanie Jame Wolf

Long-beloved by COVEN BERLIN since we began, artist and performer Melanie Jame Wolf opened her largest solo exhibition to date last October titled The Creep, curated by Adriana Tranca at E-WERK…

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Coming Up: Lesen am See

Text Reads Lesen am See

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