Esther Nelke (ES)
Esther Nelke was born in a lost village in the heart of Extremadura. During her childhood, she was often confused about whether she was a boy or a girl, and spent her teenage years reading campy sci-fi and being afraid of people. After surviving there for 18 years, she studied Translation & Interpreting in Salamanca, where she met another witch: Lo Pecado. Due to a chronic unability to settle down, in the last years she has lived in three different countries in four different cities, amongst them Berlin, where she met the other witches of the coven. She works as a freelance translator and tries to fulfill her dream of becoming a mediocre artist. Her field of work has been closely intertwined with sex work, so she is opinionated on the topic. Often she writes in COVEN BERLIN about sexism, social dynamics, sex work, intersectionality, and her own awkward relationship with gender. But she mostly rants. Her gender identity is sissy. Her pronoun is she, but she is not particularly invested on it. Her current whereabouts are Munich / Berlin. Her favorite food is hummus.